What to Watch: Black History Month 2023

Chuck D standing in a hallway
This month, PBS North celebrates the stories – ones of adversity, triumphs, magic, and joy – of Black Americans throughout history and shares what it means to be Black in America – past, present, and future.

On the Trail – The John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon 2023

musher and dogs
PBS North and The North 103.3 FM are On The Trail with behind-the-scenes coverage of the John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon. Follow along with Ashlee, Isaac, Megan, and Nina on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook for race updates and behind-the-scenes insight into the process of making our documentary about the Beargrease mushers which will premiere in November.

WDSE•WRPT is now PBS North

WDSE • WRPT today announced a new, revitalized brand to better reflect their growth into a multi-platform entertainment and educational programming provider: PBS North.
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